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Archives Ministry

The Archives Ministry shall collect, catalog, preserve and display the history, artifacts, and records of the Church; to educate the congregation, community, and constituents about the history, faith, Christian witness, and significance of St. Albans Congregational Church United Church of Christ.
Standing Ministry - Archives - pic 1

Communications & Public Relations (C.P.R.) Ministries

Disseminates and publicizes what is happening at S.A.C.C. to the members of our congregation and the broader community through various forms of print, digital and social media of S.A.C.C. events and activities. C.P.R. will include the Sight and Sound Ministry to support the sanctuary and Family Life Center activities.

Discipleship Growth Ministry

As followers of Christ, we are to learn from the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and each other. We are always learning more about the nature of God, learning more about how to be like Christ, and learning how to teach others what we have learned. The Great Commission of Christ (see Matthew 28:16‐20) commands the eleven disciples to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Furthermore, discipleship is a continuing process for believers of all ages.

Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry shall be guided by “The Great Commission of Christ” in Matthew 28:16‐20 and is responsible for evangelism in the broader community in coordination with the Ministerial staff and Communications and Public Relations Ministry. The Ministry will coordinate the orientation, welcoming, introduction, and support of new members received into the Church. In coordination with the Senior Minister, Members of the Ministry shall plan and conduct “New Member Orientation” sessions to share information on the history, polity, and mission of the United Church of Christ and the St. Albans Congregational Church U.C.C., expectations of church membership and ways New Members can be actively involved in the life and mission of the Church.

Fellowship and Service Ministries (Ruth & Naomi / Nehemiah Men's)

“And let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, … but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24‐25) The Women’s and Men’s Fellowship Ministries provide an opportunity to promote spiritual growth, unity, service, and love as people of the African Diaspora. The Ministry is open to any woman or man 18 years or older. The Church shall authorize as many fellowship/service ministries as it deems appropriate to further the mission of the Church. The ministries shall be unlimited in size and open to anyone who desires to join. Each Ministry shall select its leadership and determine how often they shall meet. The Ministry Servant Leader or designee must attend the Quarterly Mission Coordinating Council Meetings. All fellowship/service ministries shall submit a written report to the Annual and Semi‐Annual and Church Business Meetings.

Global Ministry

The principal responsibility of the Global Ministry is to develop programs to inform the congregation on global mission issues and activities of our Church and broader denominational (United Church of Christ) global mission initiatives and other world ministry engagements by ecumenical groups. It will coordinate the promotion and receipt of the United Church of Christ “All‐Church Offerings”: One Great Hour of Sharing, Neighbors in Need, and disaster relief effort. This Ministry seeks in as many ways as possible to expose the Church to the beautiful variety of God’s people so that our members are respectful and appreciative of such diversity.

Hospitality Ministry

The role of the Hospitality Ministry (with the Ushers) is to welcome visitors and members as they enter the church for worship. This ministry is the first point of contact for visitors and provides information about the church, its ministries, and the process for joining the church in the event the visitor is seeking a church home.
Standing Ministry - JusticeWitness - pic 7

Justice and Witness Ministry

The principal mission and responsibility are to encourage and enable the congregation to engage in God’s mission “globally” by direct social action for peace with justice on matters of power, justice, and public policy. Through advocacy for services for the poor, the forgotten and oppressed, and those marginalized by stigma and discrimination. The Ministry supports other internal ministries with programs related to education, food insecurity, banking & finance, mental health & wellness, and prison pipeline.

Stewardship Development Ministry

Works in consultation and cooperation with the Senior Minister to develop and implement an effective year round initiative for looking at stewardship as a spiritual growth commitment of time, talents, and the treasure to the Ministry and mission of the Church. The initiatives will be through a special program, sermon series, intentional campaign, guest speakers, promotions, or other means.

Youth Coordinating Council

The role of the youth council is to provide a cohesive structure where all the ministries of the church that serve youth (Kindergarten – age 18). The Youth Coordinating Council shall cultivate and promote youth participating in the wider Church.