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Worship With Us

Sabbath Worship

10:00 a.m. — Praise and Worship Service

Church School

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. – Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Our Location

172-17 Linden Blvd.
St. Albans, NY 11434

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Full Worship Schedule
Reverend Eli Wilson III

A Message from our Senior Minister

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Title of the block

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I greet you in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, and
Guide. Serving as Senior Minister here at St. Albans Congregational Church is truly a humbling calling that I do not
take lightly or for granted. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity that He has bestowed upon me. Serving
here has helped me in my spiritual growth through the preaching and teaching of God's Word.

Through these challenging and seemingly dark times, we have witnessed the magnificent power of Jesus Christ
throughout the past few years. If there are any doubters, we should testify that God is alive and still in the
miracle‐working business. I anticipate diving into this year's "Preaching, Teaching and Studying God's Holy
Word." Hosea 4:6 says, "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.". I strive to deliver the Word of God in
plain and straightforward terms where we can get an understanding of what God is trying to tell us. As I like to
say, "Straight talk makes for straight understanding."

As we tread through this year, I am prayerful that God will continue to dwell in this place and that He will give us
a more profound revelation of himself in our lives. Let us strive to grow in the knowledge, grace, and truth of
Him. Believe it or not, God has more in store for this great Church and His people for all we have witnessed in
these past two years. I solicit your continued prayers in my Ministry here. I ask that you also pray for each other
and find ways to sustain your connections to members of our church family as well as your friends and families. I
pray that the God of grace, mercy, and peace will forever be in your lives, your homes, and every endeavor you

Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Eli Wilson, III, Senior Minister

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To Live and Share the Good News of Jesus Christ With the Community and World by Developing and Nurturing Individuals and Families Through Worship, Evangelism, Education, Outreach and Advocacy of Human Rights.

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